Lend a hand!

Last year 7.2million people got out and volunteered in their local communities for The Big Help Out – there are many ways in which you can get involved and lend a hand on 7-9th June this year!

Download the Big Help Out App

Discover local volunteering opportunities from organisations that would love your help. Whether you’d like to try your hand at helping out at an animal sanctuary, or want to spend time helping older people in a nearby nursing home; there’s something for everyone. Simply download the app, register and get searching!

AndroidAppleWeb app

Reach out to your local volunteering group!

Reach out to groups or organisations near you and ask them if you can donate some of your time as a volunteer, and what options are available. We’re sure they will be thrilled to have your help! You could also check websites of local organisations or national organisations.

WalesNorthern IrelandScotland

Organise something yourself (and let us know!)

Perhaps you’d like to organise a local litter pick in your neighbourhood, a graffiti clean up or even get those green fingers working in communal allotments; if you have an idea then follow the inspiration and organise your own event! Don’t forget to let us know and tag us on social media so we can shout about you too!
You can share your activity via the Big Help Out App and invite other people to join!

Upload to the App

Share with us!

Help us spread the word and encourage your friends to take part and #LendAHand for The Big Help Out. If you’re a volunteering regular, share your journey with your followers and tell them all the wonderful benefits that volunteering brings to people’s lives. Remember to tag us and use the hashtag #TheBigHelpOut!

Use The Big Help Out AR Filter to encourage your family, friends and followers to join the biggest mass volunteering event of the year! Spread the word by taking a picture of yourself with our AR Filter and give a shout-out to the organisation(s) you’re supporting through your social media stories.


Play a game on Tik Tok

Get on to Tik Tok and play this fun game to show your support for #TheBigHelpOut! Tag a charity you love and tell us how you’re going to volunteer this summer. We’ve made this filter experience especially for our young volunteers who we hope will enjoy it. Make a video and post it on your Tik Tok account!

Filter Experience accepted to join the Big Help Out to deliver us this funny filter. You can find more about their work on the Filter Experience’s portfolio.

Play on TikTok

Volunteer FAQs

Yes, for most of our volunteering opportunities you need to be 16 years old or older. However you are welcome to sign up for activities as a ‘team’ with guardians, adults and/or your family members. There could also be opportunities to get involved through your School. Check our schools page to see what Schools are doing this year!

You can use the same login information for both the app and the web. When opening up last year’s BHO App it will automatically prompt you to update it to the latest version, or simply select ‘Download the App!’ on our site.

In most cases, there is no problem with you volunteering in the UK regardless of your nationality or visa status. In certain specific circumstances however, limitations may apply – this depends on the kind of volunteering work you do and the terms of your visit to the UK. More guidance can be found here.

We recommend that asylum seekers see this guidance from Refugee Action. Regardless of your nationality or visa status, as long as you are in the UK, you can get involved. For asylum seekers, here is more guidance.

Visit the BHO Platform Support pages for further information on the app!

We have another great day for communities, Thank You Day, on July 7th, head over to the page and sign-up https://thankyouday.org.uk/

In most cases, it’s – the more the merrier! However you’ll need to check with the organisation you are volunteering with in advance, as some volunteering opportunities might have number limits or specific information that needs to be sent out ahead of time.

Totally up to you! It can be one hour or as many hours as you can spare! Equally, it could be just during the Big Help Out weekend, but if you wish, there will be plenty of opportunity to volunteer over a longer period of time.

Our volunteering opportunities are open to everyone but we do encourage you to disclose any special requirements at the time of sign-up. We aim to create an environment that makes it safe for everyone to participate.

Yes! Before you start a volunteering opportunity you will be briefed by the organisation about the requirements, code of conduct, rules and any expectations. When in doubt, do ask questions!

We’d love to hear from you! Firstly, you can always tag our social media accounts if you’re sharing your experience online! Don’t forget to use #TheBigHelpOut. Or send us a video up to 2 minutes or an image with text with us via email: thebighelpout@together.org.uk with subject line: Volunteering story 2024!

Absolutely! The whole idea is to connect new and returning volunteers to wonderful, inspiring organisations across the UK that need volunteers!

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